• 2500 Acres of training grounds
  • 50 Miles of turf gallops
  • 14 Miles of artificial track
  • 634 Wins in 2024 to date

Newmarket Health & Safety

Newmarket is the largest training centre in Britain, with upwards of 2,500 horses exercised daily. With this number of horses and riders both crossing roads and exercising at speed on the gallops, the health and safety of horse and rider is the number one priority for Jockey Club Estates.

In order to protect the health and safety of riders and horses, as well as for the protection and upkeep of the facilities, there are Rules and Regulations relating to the use of the training grounds. These are sensibly but rigorously enforced and apply to every trainer, irrespective of whether they have five horses or 150.

In order to be better equipped to respond in the event of a serious injury to a rider, in 2016 Jockey Club Estates introduced ‘Heath Medics’, members of the Newmarket Training Grounds team who have undergone medical training so that they can attend to injured riders while awaiting the arrival of the Emergency Services.

Following an accident on the training grounds where an individual appears to be seriously injured, the Heath Medics, who are trained as First Responders, attend to the injured person prior to the arrival of the Emergency Services.

Trainers and their senior staff are also provided with postcode details of the various gallops so these can be provided when making the ‘999’ call. This assists in reducing the response time of the Emergency Services.

Click to download Rules and Regulations.

Click to download Gallops Maintenance Schedule.

Click to download Accident Procedure.

Newmarket Training Grounds Map

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