Community Engagement
Public access to private land
In Newmarket and Lambourn Jockey Club Estates owns and maintains over 3,000 acres of private land. The Newmarket Training Grounds are open to the public after 1pm daily for use by all locals and visitors for fresh air and exercise. It is hard to think of another town of comparable size to Newmarket with as much space open and accessible for public use. Our property has been used to host many local events and good causes in recent years, including the Henry Cecil Open Weekend, Lambourn Open Day, Epsom Open Day, Run Newmarket and Newmarket Heath Ride to name a few.
First Responder aid to the Community
In Newmarket we run a Heath Medics service which was originally set up to come to the aid of injured stable staff from the local training yards. However, our Medics, Rob, Alex, Joel and Lindsay do far more than that. They have been responsible for the installation of a defibrillator on the High Street, for use in any emergency, are often seen at local events providing first aid services and have regularly been called to local emergencies as first responders. With the support of the Henry Cecil Open Weekend, a decommissioned ambulance which has been used by the Heath Medics as a mobile treatment room. This vehicle allows our Medics to treat patients in a warm, dry, private environment while they await the arrival of emergency services.
Open Days and the Henry Cecil Open Weekend
Newmarket’s Henry Cecil Open Weekend has become a popular event in recent years with thousands of people travelling from all over the country to visit Newmarket and see behind the scenes into the yards based in the town. Jockey Club Estates plays a fundamental role in delivering the weekend, providing both land and personnel to give visitors the best possible experience. The event raises funds for local causes. Similar events are run at both Lambourn on Good Friday and Epsom in September which marks the beginning of National Racehorse Week, allowing visitors an insight into working with racehorses while also providing a family day out and raising money for local charities and benevolent funds.
The 2023 Henry Cecil Open Weekend takes place on 23rd & 24th September so don't forget to book you tickets by visiting the website The Henry Cecil Open Weekend.
Also, for those wanting to get behind the scenes more than once a year be sure to book an exclusive tour with Discover Newmarket.
Yellow Brick Road
The Yellow Brick Road rejuvenation project was launched last summer as The Jockey Club joined forces with Newmarket Town Council, West Suffolk Council, Suffolk County Council and a number of other local organisations including the Newmarket Community Partnership, the Racing Centre, Newmarket Open Door, Discover Newmarket and the Henry Cecil Open weekend to work on the area, which links the centre of Newmarket with Studlands Park.
The project remains ongoing with the aim of increasing the town’s connection and sense of ownership with the YBR, driving footfall and use of the space and ultimately transforming it into a safe, enjoyable beneficial asset for Newmarket’s residents and visitors.
Most recently teams from across The Jockey Club gave some loving care and attention to the Community Orchard at the end of the YBR. More information is available here community orchard receives some love on Valentine's Day.
Keeping Epsom and Walton Downs safe and enjoyable for all – education project
Update, December 2021: for the latest information please read our newsletter
Epsom and Walton Downs are a much loved and used green open space. As the landowner it is important that we ensure those who use the Downs to work, the racehorse training community, are able to do so safely.
Racehorses and those who train them have priority at certain times of the day, but we must also balance this with the enjoyment that the general public get from the Downs.
The unprecedented increase in people working from home and needing green and open space during the pandemic meant that the Downs has seen a huge increase in usage.
This has presented significant challenges for the racehorse training community, who have priority during the following times:
Racehorse training hours
6am – 12 noon Monday to Saturday
8am – 9:30am Sunday
When they are trying to do their job, also increasing the risk of an accident.
As such, a community education project is beginning through the autumn and winter of 2021/22 to educate, inform and work with the local community around the Downs and to ask for their help in keeping everyone safe.
We are asking the general public not to use the Downs during racehorse training hours unless they absolutely have to. If it cannot be avoided, they are asked to use the areas outlined on the map below.
There will be further updates on this project in the coming months, and for more information please see this FAQs document or e-mail

Rotary Awards
In collaboration with The Jockey Club, Newmarket Town Council and Newmarket Journal, the Rotary Club of Newmarket hosts an annual Community Awards scheme to recognise those in and around the town who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in the past year. The club recognises those who have exemplified the Rotary motto of Service Above Self by their deeds naturally, and instinctively, without thinking, and without reward.
Goodwill and community support
Our staff are encouraged to get involved with local charities, community initiatives and fund raisers both through Jockey Club Estates and individually. Some examples include, but are not limited to, the voluntary clean up of community areas, befriending schemes, helping at Newmarket Open Door, hosting the Epsom and Ewell and Mole Valley ‘Junior Citizen’ child safety event, sporting events aimed at raising money for charity, helping to maintain trees and hedges to keep the community looking at its best, litter picking and restoring fencing at a local primary school.
The year 2020 was an unusual and difficult, but our team rose to the challenges they were faced with. Throughout both lockdowns, our Training Grounds remained operational for racehorses in the mornings and provided plenty of much needed space for local residents to exercise while socially distancing.
In Newmarket we also played a big part in an initiative to help the vulnerable during the pandemic by working together with local organisations such as Newmarket Racecourses, the Council, Tesco Newmarket, Newmarket Festival and Discover Newmarket setting up a helpline and delivery service for those in need.
In Epsom, The Jockey Club team as a whole contributed to a community initiative titled the East Surrey Poverty Truth Commission. This project was aimed at bringing local people and businesses together to find meaningful and lasting solutions to Surrey’s hidden but prevalent issues related to poverty.
Educational activities
Every year Jockey Club Estates works with Newmarket Racecourse on Godolphin Dubai Future Champions Education Week (DFCEW) – a series of activities that gives all the students from Year 8 at Newmarket Academy a chance to learn about the inner workings of the horseracing industry. The event is aimed at highlighting both the historical and current importance of horseracing to the town, together with the varied career opportunities on offer. In addition, in conjunction with Discover Newmarket, Jockey Club Estates provide tours of the Training Grounds and racing yards to local schools and members of the public. Similarly in Epsom, behind the scenes tours of the racecourse are staged for local schools and community groups.
Our Heath Medics also provide first aid training and defibrillator training to members of the public. (see below)